Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Beggin' Strips Incident.

I will admit that, many times, I'm partially at fault for the antics of these two crazy "kids."  I leave things where they can get to it. Sometimes I realize it and think "nooo, it'll be fine. They won't be able to get that." Sure enough I will come home and they will have gotten into whatever it is. 

For Christmas I purchased them two bags of Beggin' Strips.  They opened them, with my assistance of course - they're NOT genius dogs, on Christmas.  Those bags had been sitting under the tree since then.  Until yesterday. 

Apparently after a week and a half, they realized that the treats were there. Nothing that was there (the treats, four small fleece blankets, two dog toys, and new dog dishes) had been moved.  It was in the exact place it had been, with the treats securely in the back.

Yesterday I came home from work to find that....Someone had found the two bags, ripped them open, and over-indulged in some treats.  A treat feast was in order for the afternoon, apparently.  I can't say who the guilty party was, as I never can, but I have my suspicion, and it's pointing toward Belle.

In the past, before Buddy had a sister and when she was too small, it was him.  He was the one who ate an entire pan of brownies at my parents' house.  He ingested 16 ear plugs (the orange, squishy kind) that I counted, after they came out. For all I know I may have missed some.  He ate not one, but two, of those big containers of cookies.  He tipped over a crock pot, unplugging it and making it fall to the floor, full of those Lil' Smokies and sauce, also causing the lid to break. He's had his fair share of incidents of knocking the trash can over.

However, Buddy is best described as a lazy lump.  He cannot stand on his hind legs for very long. I'm not sure if he can't because he's too heavy or if he just doesn't want to.  He certainly couldn't stand up on his hind legs while using his front legs to get whatever object of desire is on the counter.  Belle has learned this trick. She is small and somewhat weaselly.  She loves to use her paws (most often to hit her brother in the face when he's getting attention).  I think she's also been guilty of getting into the trash too. Buddy is a year older and has calmed down a bit. He's content to snooze the day away.  He rarely plays with the toys, and sometimes I come home to find the entire basket of toys flipped over and scattered around the living room. This is not the work of Buddy.

Anyway, so being that the treats were under the tree, tucked in the back, I have my doubts that Buddy did it. If he had tried to get back there, he probably would have knocked the whole tree down. I'm pretty sure that Miss Belle Ann was the snatcher of the strips. 

Of course Buddy loves his food, especially treats, so he couldn't resist taking part in the treat feast.  I came home and could smell the Beggin' Strips on both of them.  If there was a Beggin' Strip breathalyzer device, they both would have failed. Miserably. 

They didn't get anymore treats the rest of the day, and so far none today.  I'm shocked that no one has had an upset tummy, that I'm aware of.  For once I have not awakened to a pile of dog vomit on my floor. Thank goodness!!

I can only imagine what these two will get into next....

Lots of Woof!

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