Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Update...

I have not updated in a while, but the dogs are the same as always - naughty and stinky, but mostly lovable and my best friends.

Since my last update, they've continued to knock down baby gates and get into the trash.  They have even done so when I've been home. That's a new level of mischievous for them. Usually they'd at least do it when I was home.  Imagine my surprise to come upstairs following a workout to find trash scattered around the hallway, kitchen, and living room. Those little rats!

They continue to wrestle around, play, and run like usual. They love going to work with their Grandpa. He owns a business and they act as his "ruthless" guard dogs. They will bark at most people, but settle down when familiar faces show up.  They, of course, eat more biscuits than I'd prefer. They don't get treats often at home... Now and then I'll go through a treat streak and will give them some, but it's not often. I suppose that's what grandparents are for; spoiling.

We took many walks this fall, which they loved.  That's the best time to walk them - when it's cool, but not cold.  They can't take the eat or the cold. But when the temperature is good, they will walk until they're ready to drop. They still try to go in different directions, chase squirrels, and befriend every dog and person that they see (unless the person seems shady; then they bark and growl - dogs know people). Mostly, though they're good on the leash.

Now that it's colder out, they're a little more cuddly. This means that they take over my bed and refuse to move. Naturally, everyone must be in bed together, as close as possible, because this keeps us warm. Forget that some of us prefer to be under the blankets, not just laying on top of them. I just LOVE going from hot to cold throughout the night. Hot when it's a massive huddle in the bed, and cold when someone moves, taking the blankets with him or her. BUT.... I still love the cuddle time.

Both dogs had their birthdays... Buddy's was the 17th of November and Belle's was the 18th. I wasn't even a good dog Mom and was out of town for their birthdays. They were having fun with their grandparents though, so I'm sure all was forgiven. They certainly did not get a special birthday breakfast but that's okay. They really don't need it, and generally that's people food which is not good for them. They didn't get presents, either. They have so many toys and rarely play with them, so I stopped buying them.  They receive a lot of love and are treated better than some children, so I think that's enough of a gift. And... They're dogs. It's not like they even know what a birthday is!

Nothing out of the ordinary has gone on with them lately.  It's almost time for our annual (well previously annual) Christmas card photo. Every year, except last year, we did a photo card. Last year I was just pressed for time and didn't get around to it. Hopefully this year I'll get it done in time.

Note to self: Do that soon.

The boxers say....

Lots of woof!

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